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Did you know that the first 10 results in
Google receive 92% of all search traffic?

Organic search is widely considered the most cost-effective tactic for reaching your audience and increasing website traffic. Our clients' organic listings are also seen as more trustworthy, and they typically attract the audience groups that we want to target. While keywords are essential to a business's online success, finding the right terms that have search volume and the correct intent behind them is even more essential. SEO is a long-term strategy where you can't buy your way to the front of the line-you have to earn it. It requires a customer-focused approach that is authentic and helps customers through every moment of their buying cycle.

Here are five key areas SEO services includes:

Technical SEO

Technical SEO involves several elements that search engines consider when ranking a website, including:

  • Page speed
  • Broken links (internally and externally)
  • Crawl errors
  • Mobile friendliness
  • Sitemap accessibility

On-Page SEO

The process of optimizing on-page SEO involves:

  • Researching relevant keywords that have substantial search volume.
  • Ensuring the on-page content satisfies the user's search query and intent.
  • Building internal links from page to page to create strong connections between content.
  • Balancing internal links with relevant and reputable outbound links.
  • Ensuring content on a page is organized well and structured correctly for search engines.

Off-Site Optimization

Off-site optimization is primarily focused on building links from authoritative and relevant sites.

The link building process includes:

  • Researching valuable opportunities for link-building outreach.
  • Prioritizing options based on time, effort, and expected return value.
  • Strategizing outreach (such as email, submissions, forum discussion, etc.).
  • Tracking new inbound links generated.

Local SEO

Local SEO ties into many of the above SEO tactics and is especially important for local or regional businesses and businesses with brick-and-mortar locations.

  • Ensuring your organization has listings in most of the prominent locations (especially Google).
  • Ensuring that your listings are consistent across all channels and sites.
  • Optimizing your site and content using specific local keywords, like city or state names, where applicable.
  • Link building with relevant local directories, business organizations, and groups.

Need SEO Services?

There are more than 200 factors that affect search engine rankings. Not to mention, Google updates its algorithm almost nine times a day.

Want to improve SEO? Contact us today to see how we can provide SEO services for your organization.